Zen Breath 3-2-1

Note: You are receiving this email because you subscribed to my weekly 3-2-1 newsletter or you subscribed to the Koi Zen Cellars newsletter. Every Friday, I share 3 wine terms, 2 quotes from me, and 1 question for you to ponder. Occasionally, I also send out long-form articles on habits and self-improvement.

"If you aren't living your dream,
who's dream are you living?"
~ The Zen Winemaker ~

3 terms, 2 quotes, 1 question

April 16, 2021

Happy Friday! Time to wrap up this week and get ready for the next! Take a deep breath and kick off the weekend on a positive note. Let's consider where we have been, improve it, and move forward next week. Packing the most content into the least words and trying to change the world, one glass at a time.

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3 - Wine Terms - Bubbly

1. Blanc de Blanc: A sparkling white wine that is made from a white grape such as Chardonnay. Typically will have a higher acidity, crispness and more minerality.

2. Blanc de Noir: A sparkling white (or rose) that is made from a red skinned grape. Some of the most notable grape varietals would be Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier from France, though other countries use different types of grapes as well.

3. Sparkling vs Champagne: Champagne can only be produced in the Champagne region in France; all other bubbly wine is typically referred to as sparkling wine .

Geek Zone: All Champagne and Sparkling wine starts out as "still" wine without any effervescence. Two different types of carbonation methods are used to produce the bubbles.
  • Forced Carbonation: Same method used to produced beer and soda where the wine is subjected to pressurized Carbon Dioxide gas that is absorbed into the liquid or,
  • Traditional ( Méthode Champenoise ): A small amount of sugar and yeast is added to still wine and bottled with a temporary enclosure. The yeast consumes the sugar producing carbon dioxide within the bottle. After the process is complete, the remaining yeast cells and sediment is "disgorged" and a  permanent cork is applied.

2 - Quotes from Me:

1. "Pair wine with time of day: lighter wines during the day, full bodied whites and light reds while preparing dinner and full bodied reds to end the evening." ~ The Zen Winemaker

2. "Wine is color coded: pair light wines with light foods and heavy wines with heavy food, it's not that complicated." ~ The Zen Winemaker

1 - Question to ponder:

Humans are incredibly good at figuring out ways to be lazy. We develop hacks, methods, systems, and habits so we can accomplish tasks with minimal thought or effort (daydreaming while driving). While this is efficient, it might not be the most effective way achieve your desires.

So ask yourself:

Do you want to be efficient or effective?

~~ Notice ~~

By the time you have finished reading this sentence,
the first line is already in the past.
We have but a few moments to spend in this life,
enjoy every one of them.

Darius Miller - The Zen Winemaker

P.S. Let me know what you think of the 3-2-1 newsletter.

Author of a #1 best seller:
'The Zen Winemaker - Follow Your Dreams & Overcome Your Fears'

Creator of:

'The Zen Wine Tasting Journal - Life is too short to drink bad wine, or to wear ugly underwear.'

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Something to ponder:

If you shared this newsletter with 2 people, who then each share with two people, how many times would this need to be done to reach every human on earth? Answer