Zen Breath 3-2-1

Note: You are receiving this email because you subscribed to my weekly 3-2-1 newsletter or you subscribed to the Koi Zen Cellars newsletter. Every Friday, I share 3 wine terms, 2 quotes from me, and 1 question for you to ponder. Occasionally, I also send out long-form articles on habits and self-improvement.

3 terms, 2 quotes, 1 question

February 26, 2021

Happy Friday! Time to wrap up this week and get ready for the next! Take a deep breath and kick off the weekend on a positive note. Let's consider where we have been, improve it, and move forward next week. Packing the most content into the least words and trying to change the world, one glass at a time.

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3 - Wine Terms - Finishing

1. Fining: Substances used to help clarify or adjust aromas of beer, wine and juices.

2. Bentonite: A volcanic clay that can be added to wine to absorb proteins that form a haze in wine, beer and juices. The bentonite swells and sinks to the bottom where it is discarded.

3. Isinglass: Derived from the swim bladder of fish and is used to remove browning, reduce astringency, removes colloidal haze, and increase mouthfeel of wine and beer.

2 - Quotes from Me & Others:

1. "We teach best what we most need to learn." ~ Richard Bach : Illusions

2. "I don't know if wine blending is an art or a science, but I do know it is a lot of fun." ~ The Zen Winemaker

1 - Question to ponder:

A story first - (thanks mom for the reference)

The wedding ceremony came to the point where the minister asked if anyone had anything to say concerning the union of the bride and groom.
The moment of utter silence was broken when a beautiful young woman carrying a child stood up. She started walking slowly towards the minister.
The congregation was aghast - you could almost hear a pin drop.
The groom's jaw dropped as he stared in disbelief at the approaching young woman and child.
Chaos ensued.

The bride threw the bouquet into the air and burst out crying.
Then the groom's mother fainted.
The best man and the ushers started giving each other looks and wondering how to save the situation.
The minister asked the woman, "Can you tell us, why you came forward? What do you have to say?"
There was absolute silence in the church.
The woman replied, "We can't hear you in the back."

And that is what happens when people are considered guilty until proven innocent...

Author Unknown


Do you ever find yourself passing judgement without knowing all the facts?

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Darius Miller - The Zen Winemaker

P.S. Let me know what you think of the 3-2-1 newsletter.

Author of a #1 best seller:
'The Zen Winemaker - Follow Your Dreams & Overcome Your Fears'

Creator of:

'The Zen Wine Tasting Journal - Life is too short to drink bad wine, or to wear ugly underwear.'

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Something to ponder:

If you shared this newsletter with 2 people, who then each share with two people, how many times would this need to be done to reach every human on earth? Answer