Zen Breath 3-2-1

Note: You are receiving this email because you subscribed to my weekly 3-2-1 newsletter or you subscribed to the Koi Zen Cellars newsletter. Every Friday, I share 3 wine terms, 2 quotes from me, and 1 question for you to ponder. Occasionally, I also send out long-form articles on habits and self-improvement.

My daughter is a travel nurse who just started a 3 month position at Palomar Hospital in Poway. She is staying with us and we are blessed.

3 terms, 2 quotes, 1 question

March 26, 2021

Happy Friday! Time to wrap up this week and get ready for the next! Take a deep breath and kick off the weekend on a positive note. Let's consider where we have been, improve it, and move forward next week. Packing the most content into the least words and trying to change the world, one glass at a time.

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3 - Wine Terms - Locations

1. AVA: Short for American Viticulture Area which is a federally registered geographical area. Any grapes grown in that region can bear its name. Some famous AVAs would be Napa, Sonoma, and Rutherford to name just a few. There are 252 recognized areas across 33 states as of Nov 2020.

2. DOCG: Italian for Denominazione di origine controllata e garantita is a superior classification of DOC and reserved for the best quality wines in Italy.

3. AOC: A French classification ( Appellation d'origine contrôlée ) of which there are over 300 recognized AOCs. Very tight quality standards must be met to achieve this level of classification.

Note: In the US market, words like: Reserve and Select are marketing terms and are not regulated. The US does not have any enforced words, classifications or designations for quality; only location and vintage.

2 - Quotes from Me & Others:

1. "At a party, the best bottle of wine is the empty one." ~ The Zen Winemaker

2. "The cost of the wine and the quality of the wine often are quite different. Some of the best bottles I have had were under $30 and some were over $200. Bottom line, drink what you like (and can afford)" ~ The Zen Winemaker

1 - Question to ponder:

Light can't exist without Darkness.
Rich can't be talked about without the concept of Poor.
Giving can't occur without Receiving;
both are an expression of the transfer of energy.

So the question is:
Are you primarily a
Giver or Taker ?

Are you giving to the universe, or taking from it?

Flash Notice:

I have some extra copies of the 'Zen Winemaker' book at the winery for sale at 1/2 price - only $10 and I will autograph them for you . Make a great gift.


Darius Miller - The Zen Winemaker

P.S. Let me know what you think of the 3-2-1 newsletter.

Author of a #1 best seller:
'The Zen Winemaker - Follow Your Dreams & Overcome Your Fears'

Creator of:

'The Zen Wine Tasting Journal - Life is too short to drink bad wine, or to wear ugly underwear.'

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Something to ponder:

If you shared this newsletter with 2 people, who then each share with two people, how many times would this need to be done to reach every human on earth? Answer