Zen Breath 3-2-1

Note: You are receiving this email because you subscribed to my weekly 3-2-1 newsletter or you subscribed to the Koi Zen Cellars newsletter. Every Friday, I share 3 wine terms, 2 quotes from me, and 1 question for you to ponder. Occasionally, I also send out long-form articles on habits and self-improvement.

" You can't fly if you never leave the ground"
~ The Zen Winemaker ~

3 terms, 2 quotes, 1 question

November 26, 2021

Happy Friday! Time to wrap up this week and get ready for the next! Take a deep breath and kick off the weekend on a positive note. Let's consider where we have been, improve it, and move forward next week. Packing the most content into the least words and trying to change the world, one glass at a time.

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3 - Wine Terms - Châteauneuf-du-Pape (CdP)

The French love to blend their wines and if you have not tried this French blend, then you a missing a treat. Châteauneuf-du-Pape is located in the southern Rhone region of France and was the first designated appellation of France in 1936, but people have been making wine in this region for thousands of years.

A traditional red CdP wine is a blend of Grenache, Syrah, and Mourvedre and is a delight. And here are some more fun facts about this region and wine.
  1. History - Châteauneuf-du-Pape means the "the pope's new castle" and refers to a time when the Roman Catholic Church seat was located in Avignon between the years 1309–1377. In 1308, Pope Clement V, former Archbishop of Bordeaux, relocated the papacy to the town of Avignon. Clement V and subsequent "Avignon Popes" were said to be great lovers of Burgundy wines and did much to promote them during the 70-year Avignon Papacy.

    This AOC is small, covering 7,900 acres under vine and produces roughly 14 million bottles of wine per year.
  2. Emblem - A bottle Châteauneuf-du-Pape is easy to identify on the wine rack due to the distinctive raised emblem on the upper neck of the bottle. The traditional logo is an insignia showing a papal three-crowned tiara (a.k.a. triregnum) above the keys of St. Peters with the words “Châteauneuf-du-Pape Contrôlé” in Gothic letters. The logo resembled the coat of arms of Vatican City. The traditional logo was created in 1937 by the union of owners controlling Châteauneuf-du-Pape, then chaired by Baron Pierre Le Roy de Boiseaumarié.
3. Grape Varieties - Châteauneuf-du-Pape traditionally has had thirteen grape varieties, but the 2009 version of the AOC rules changed that list to eighteen varieties. While there are many types of grapes allowed, the predominant three grapes are Grenache, Syrah, and Mourvedre.

Over 72% of all grape production in this area is Grenache, followed Syrah at 10% and Mourvedre at 7.5%. Each winery will adjust the percentage of each varietal in the blend each year depending upon the fruit characteristics.

A typical CdP bottle of wine will open with a burst of fruit flavors and evolve into dusty and gammy notes. It is recommended to decant a bottle for at least and hour and serve 60–65 ºF / 16–18 ºC.

2 - Quotes from Me:

1. "Failure is a requirement for learning." ~ The Zen Winemaker

2. "Many opportunities result in failures because people fail to start." ~ The Zen Winemaker

1 - Question to ponder:

Safety vs. Freedom

Ever since I was a little kid, I loved helicopters and their ability to defy gravity and just float in the air. I have had this little guy for a few years and finally his batteries failed to charge and he had to be discarded which was sad. Almost 15 years ago I got a wild hair and purchased a remote control helicopter that has a diameter of almost four feet. It wasn't crazy expensive, but expensive enough when parts broke which often happened as I tried to develop my skills.

What I didn't realize that flying a RC helicopter is like balancing a marble on a bowling ball - the slightest twitch and the scary rotating blades would send the helicopter crashing to the ground. I don't know how many sets of rotors I burned through trying to learn how to fly. Each crash seemed to make me even more nervous and it got to the point I was scared to let the helicopter rise more than an few feet off the ground.

No matter what I tried my nerves got the best of me. What I failed to realize at the time was that there was no risk flying high in the air, the risk came when it crashed into the ground. Since I never let the bird fly higher than a few feet, I was always in harms way. The slightest breeze or over correction would do me in. if I had just had the courage to let it fly higher, I would have had more time to react and correct any issue - but that wasn't in my mind. I was more afraid of losing than the thrill of flying.

On and off, I tried to fly that beast but could never get comfortable with my fear of crashing the helicopter. I could never let go and let it fly. Now it sits in the garage covered in dust, unused for many many years. I swear it mocks me every time I walk by.

Why is it mocking me? Because I have something that I'm scared to use because it might break, but it serves me no purpose sitting there. It's like buying a car and never driving it because it might get scratched.

I know this sounds silly, but we often don't do things because we fear what might happen. You might want a raise, but are scared of asking, or decline invitations to unfamiliar events and experiences like skydiving or bungee jumping. Or maybe it's we do a lot of thinking and figuring out only to abandon the idea when the slightest issue arises.

I was watching an interview with Elon Musk when one of his rockets exploded and he said, "Well, that didn't work." He knows how to fail, and because of this, he is a big success.

What are your helicopters? What are those things you never really committed to for fear of failing even before it got off the ground?

~~ Notice ~~

The negative and limiting things we say to ourselves.



Darius Miller - The Zen Winemaker

P.S. Let me know what you think of the 3-2-1 newsletter - or better yet, share with your friends - it would be much appreciated.

Author of a #1 best seller:
'The Zen Winemaker - Follow Your Dreams & Overcome Your Fears'

Creator of:

'The Zen Wine Tasting Journal - Life is too short to drink bad wine, or to wear ugly underwear.'

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